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System 2000 - Products

1. Overview

System 2000 does not have any central switchboard. Modules are connected parallel to one Bus-cable. Maximal length of Bus-cable in one section with standard stations is 1 km. For more than 30 stations or three communication controllers it is necessary to use power supplies with more sections. Each section can include up to 30 stations or up to three communication controllers. In the last station or communication controller in section it is necessary to connect an end resistor 470 Ohm between terminals 3 and 4. Screenings of all Bus-cable parts connect together and in 2000 BSA/Z socket for power supply connect it to terminal 2.

2. Description of modules

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Contains Items

2000 S, 2000 SLo, 2000 S/SD, 2000 SS, 2000 SM, 2000 SR, 2000 SV, 2000 SVS, 2000 T, 2000 WD, 2000 A, 2000 U, 2000 E, 2000 RJ45/MEDU

2000 I, 2000 IL, 2000 IL67, 2000 I/SD, 2000 I/EN, 2000 IC, 2000 ILo, 2000 IU, 2000 IU/SD, 2000 IU/EN, 2000 IUC, 2000 IW, 200 ICW, 2000 IHW2, 2000 IHFW2, 2000 ILVW2, 2000 ILFW2, 2000 IS, 2000 IS67

2000 LR, 2000 LRLo, 2000 LR/EN, 2000 LR/SD, 2000 LR/SP, 2000 LRW, 2000 LRHW2, 2000 LRHFW2, 2000 LRLVW2, 2000 LRLVFW2

2000 LRI3, 2000 LRI16

2000 NLRU, 2000 NLRU/SD, 2000 NLRU/SD/SP, 2000 NU

2000 LCC8/1, 2000 LCC8/4, 2000 LCC16, 2000 LCC16sec, 2000 LCC16/SDD

2000 LR/Rec, 2000 RS232/LR, 2000 LRF, 2000 TFI, 2000 TFIb, 2000 TFIh, 2000 OM/LC, 2000 OM/SM, 2000 R8, 2000 R8S, 2000 RI2, 2000 RI8

2000 ZL, 2000 ZLB, 2000 ZLB67, 2000 ZS, 2000 Z-2, 2000 Z-3, 2000 Z-4, 2000 Z-x, 2000 ZA, UPS600AT, 2000 ZS/Mod

2000 LV, LV1200/2000, 2000 LVW

WL 6-20, AL 6-20, ALW 5-8, UL 6-20, DL 6-20, DL 8-20, DL 8-20Ex, DL 10-20, DL 50-20

2000 M1, 2000 M2

2000 TS1M, 2000 TS2M, 2000 TS3M, 2000 ATS, 2000 TS1M Protect, 2000 TS1M Protect/V, TS-4M, TS-8M, TS-16M

2000 BSA, 2000 BSU, 2000 BSE, 2000 BSA/Z, 2000 BSA-Protect, 2000 BIC

2000 HV-6, 2000 UGV-Hub

2000 DPo, 2000 AM, 2000 SD, 2000 CL, 2000 Paa, 2000 Pab/Pa, 2000 Pd, 2000 Ph, 2000 Phs, 2000 Pw, 2000 Pwn, 2000 RD, 2000 RT, EPROM

2000 W, 2000 W2, 2000 W3